About the Journal

Aim and Scope

The PrivacyArabia Journal (PAJ) stands as the foremost platform to address privacy and data protection compliance matters in the Arab world. This journal is an indispensable resource offering news, hands-on articles, and expert insights for academicians, industry specialists, and select governmental bodies. Its Editorial Board is graced by globally recognized authorities in the realms of data protection and privacy.

PAJ offers a specialized, peer-reviewed platform for both academic and practical research publications, briefs, discussions, case studies, professional commentary, analyses, and insights concerning the primary legal, regulatory, governance, operational, and technological challenges impacting privacy, data protection, and information security in the worldwide, and particular the in the Arab world.

Instructions for Authors

The manuscripts submitted to this Journal should be prepared in accordance with following guidelines. The file must be submitted in a single MSWord format containing all the sections of the manuscripts including: title, abstract and all remaining parts.

Text formatting:

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